Bergamo: 8-9 May 2025

The event for the hardware, building and DIY industry.

Ahead of the International Hardware Fair Italy 2025 conference programme, discover the topics addressed in the latest edition!

Timetable Title Programme

The European market in hardware, building and DIY sector.

The strategic drivers 2023 - 2025

10:30 am

Thomas Rosolia, CEO Koelnmesse


10:40 am

John HerbertGeneral Secretary European DIY Retail Association (EDRA) & Global Home Improvement Network (GHIN)

European scenario in DIY, hardware and home improvement

11:00 am

Ivano Garavaglia, Head of Retail GfK

Evolutions in the Home Improvement Sector.
Numbers and challenges of an ever-changing scenario

Panel discussion:
The market after bonuses, between high energy costs and green deals
11:20 am

with Sabrina Canese, President Assofermet Ferramenta

Luca Berti, Credit Safe

Cinzia Vezzosi, Vice-President Assofermet

Vanessa PesentiVice-President ANCE

Giacomo PesentiPresident Gruppo Tecnologie e materiali per l'edilizia Confindustria Bergamo 

Giacinto Giambellini, President Confartigianato Imprese di Bergamo

Challenges and constraints in the post construction incentive market between high energy prices, price speculation and green deal opportunities
Moderation: Alessandra Fraschinitechnical retail journalist, physical and online
2:00 pm  Giulia Arrigoni, Editorial Director TEN -  diyandgarden 2017/2022 evolution and new elements in the Italian DIY landscape
2:20 pm Alessandro Di GiovanniPresident Gruppo Adeo Four proposals for one market.
Adeo's omnichannel vision, which also includes affiliation
3:00 pm Alessandro Samà,CEO Brico Bravo
Filippo Settimi
CEO Agrieuro
Testimonials: Technology, logistics and customer care.
Are they sufficient for the eCommerce of the future?
The peculiarities of home improvement (brico and garden included)
3:45 pm Luca Berardo, President Sercomated, Owner CasaOikos Spa and Presidente di Assoposa The building trade between GDS and home improvement specialist?
Similarities and differences in the modernisation of the channel
4:10 pm Rainer Strnad, Chief Editor DIY International Experiences and innovations from retailers around the world
4:30 pm Marco Orlandelli, President consorzio Made4DIY Manufacturers facing a revolution in the distribution system.
How to face the challenge?
Product of the year 2023 Award 

5:00 pm International Hardware Fair Italy in collaboration with Assofermet Ferramenta The Award is reserved for products characterised by a strong component of originality, in the three proposed categories DESIGN | INNOVATION | GREEN
Friday 5 May 

The second day was dedicated to the renewal in independent technical retail, the evolution of b2b and social communication and the new expectations of professional consumerism post Covid.

Next Generation Retail - THE NEW TECHNICAL RETAIL 
 10:30 am Moderation: Alessandra Fraschini, technical retail journalist, physical and online From renovation in independent technical retail, to the evolution of b2b and social communication and the new expectations of the post-Covid professional consumer
Panel discussion:
Evolution of commerce, the proximity shop and the opportunities of associationism 
10:35 am

Andrea ColzaniPresident Confcommercio Giovani

Fabio PomaPresident Gruppo Ferramenta Ferro Metalli Ascom Confcommercio Bergamo

Oscar FusiniGeneral Director Ascom Confcommercio Bergamo

Marina Rodeschini, President Gruppo grossisti non Alimentari Ascom Confcommercio Bergamo

11:15 am 

Fabrizio Valente,Founder and Ceo of Kiki Lab, RetailObserva®

Next generation retail: key concepts and inspiring cases for technical retail

The key concepts that will determine the success of retail in the future will be explored in depth and various cases from global retail that can stimulate and inspire technical retail companies will be presented.

ColorDay | still image of a sector on the move

11:45 am

Speaker: Vieri Barsotti, Direttore Contexto

Paints and varnishes: metamorphosis of a sector

"Paints and varnishes production: size, structures, interactions with other players in the supply chain, perspective"



Speakers: Monica TrabucchiJournalist Colore & Hobby and Radio Colore

Andrea Miniero, Marketing, sales and sales network training Consultant

Paints and varnishes: the evolution of distribution

"The distribution of paint products: history and changes, societal evolutions and revolutions, consumer moods and business paradigms"


Speaker: Vieri Barsotti

With the contribution of

Gianni MartinettiChairman Of the Board of Directors AVISA-Federchimica, gruppo pitture


Stefano Deri, President Cortexa


Paints and varnishes: the future has already begun

"The profile of the 'new' paint distributor between mandatory regulations, new awareness, current sensitivities, ordinary and extraordinary alliances"


 Panel discussion:B2b/b2c and social communication and influencers in hardware and building

12:35 pm

Massimo NovatiMarketing Manager Krino group

MattleyDigital craftsman and Content Creator

Il Ross, Youtuber pro





Hardware Store Oscar 2023

Best Web presence/Social media/E-commerce

Best Display/Layout/Window

Best Specialisation (security, paint, tools, gardening)

Best Family History (family business in the hardware shop)



Ascom Hardware Store Award 2023

History and presence in the area /Family history and family businessInnovation/Evolution and renewal

Women's option/Female empowerment in management



10:30 am

Trends in small-scale gardening

Colleoni Room

10:30 am

Speaker: Renato Ferretti, Doctor Agronomist (CONAF) and green journalist



10:45 am

Thomas Rosolia, CEO Koelnmesse Italia 

Claudia Castiglione, Presidente ODAF Bergamo

Institutional greetings

11:00 am

Curated by Fiere di Parma

Presentation of Flormart The Green Italy 2023

11:15 am

Andrea Pellegatta, Vice President Assofloro

Green bonus and mowing and brushwood management: opportunities for the professional gardener of small gardens and terraces

11:40 am

Andrea FiorendiForestry Doctor

Lucia NusinerDoctor Agronomist

Silvia VigèDoctor Agronomist

Projects for small gardens and terraces

12:15 pm

Sandro Degni,Gardener

The management of small green spaces and terraces, technologies and equipment

12:30 pm


The conference is accredited by the Order of Agronomists and Foresters of Bergamo
Saturday 6 May
Timetable Title Programme

Opening 5 May

Watch the video of the first day of International Hardware Fair Italy 2023

Click here

Conferences 2nd edition

Read the programme of the second edition of International Hardware Fair Italy.

Click here