Bergamo: 8-9 May 2025


Highlight of International Hardware Fair Italy 2023

Franco Morganti, CEO Morganti spa Kapriol

"From our company's point of view, the impressions on this first edition of International Hardware Fair Italy are definitely positive; for us, it is a successful event, which reached and exceeded initial expectations. The event, especially for the turnout of visitors and the high profile of the exhibiting companies, is an event not to be missed, also for future editions; and it will certainly be counted among the most important fairs, in the European scenery".

Thomas Rosolia, Managing Director of Koelnmesse Italy

"The success of this first edition comes from all our experience in organizing trade shows, which has
enabled us to structure a trade fair exhibition that responds to the real needs of the sector. Moreover, the collaboration with the many Italian and European associations that gave full support to this first edition helped create the ideal platform in Italy for the European market".

Luca Paccagnella, General Manager Helvi spa

"We are very satisfied with Helvi's participation in the first edition of International Hardware Fair Italy; it is a specialised international event that was well attended and attracted a lot of interest".

Testimonial of International Hardware Fair Italy 2023

Markus Oster, Vice President Trade Fair Management, Koelnmesse GmbH in Germany

"We took the signals from the Italian and European markets to organize an event dedicated to the hardware, building and DIY world that was not yet there in Italy, and the market proved us right".

John W. Herbert, secretary general of EDRA/GHIN

"International Hardware Fair Italy was one of the most successful debuts among the fairs I have had the pleasure of attending".

Michele Taddei, Sales Director Bossong spa

"Ours is a historical presence at the Cologne trade fair: at EISENWARENMESSE we are now at home. When the opportunity arose to participate in the first edition of International Hardware Fair Italy, in Bergamo, we took it immediately, precisely because of the success of the Cologne fair over all these years. Here in Bergamo, we rediscovered the spirit of internationality in the construction sector that dominates in Germany; the size of the fair was, of course, smaller, but Italy and Bergamo responded very positively to this bet on the return of construction to Bergamo".

Petra Pott-Zemanova, General Manager MPS Sägen GmbH

"The successful outcome of the exhibition, for our company, was very satisfying. The exhibition was very well organised and fully met our expectations".

Testimonial of International Hardware Fair Italy Pt. 2

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